Understand the PEC Kamikaze

PEC Kamikaze: what does it predict and why is it being criticized?

The elections are coming and the Bolsonaro government will be able to inject more than R$41 billion into social programs, as foreseen in PEC Kamikaze or PEC 01/2022, approved yesterday (30) night by the Senate. The measure, which is valid until the end of the year, had negative repercussions and has already been called the "PEC of Despair" and "Suicide".


In practice, the project will bring changes such as an increase from R$400 to R$600 in the minimum wage Brazil aid, And increase other benefits offered by the federal government to the population. The changes are valid until the end of the year. On the day of voting and approval of the proposal, the terms “#PEC16NÃO”, “#PECDOGOLPE” and “PEC Kamikaze” were among the most mentioned on Twitter.


The text also included the creation of “trucker bag" It's from "gasoline aid” for taxi drivers, which was read as an attempt to reverse Jair Bolsonaro’s failure as a pre-candidate for president in 2023, as shown the latest research. Targeting the group that depends on the consumption of fuels to work comes from the dissatisfaction generated by the rise in the price of these products. The objective was “reduce the impact of the crisis”, according to the government and the author of the PEC, senator Carlos Favaro (PSD-MT). 

What changes with the PEC

infographic about the measures of PEC Kamikaze or PEC 1/2022
Credits: Curto News

Where does the resistance come from? 

Two aspects contained in the PEC text made it unconstitutional. First, the permission given to the federal government to create a new benefit in the middle of an election year. This is one of the practices prohibited by electoral law for causing imbalance between candidates. Second, the release of R$41,2 billion to boost programs, an amount that would exceed the Spending Ceiling, considered the golden rule of the Fiscal Responsibility Law. 

To escape the infractions, case rapporteur Fernando Bezerra Coelho (MDB-PE) included emergency state in consensus with the Senate and the current government. Many considered the decision a maneuver for approval of the PEC and an effort populist of the current government in the face of the electoral race. 


Kamikaze for whom? 

In February this year, the package of kindnesses had been dubbed “PEC Kamikaze” by the team of the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, as the measures would generate a tax impact of R$100 billion, in addition to the rise in the dollar and interest rates. The expression referred to the fact that the release of the amount tends to relieve just instantly the citizen's pocket, because when the government “spends” what it doesn't have in cash, those who pay taxes are the ones who will feel it in their pocket at the end of the day. 

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