Cryptocurrency mining prohibited in New York; see the highlights of Curto Flash

New York bans some Bitcoin mining due to high energy expenditure. Read this and other news on Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment.

Cryptocurrency mining prohibited

New York State bans portions of cryptocurrency “mining” for 2 years. In some cases, this “mining” consumes fossil fuels and, in general, a lot of energy. According to the specialized company Digiconomist, mining bitcoin uses an average of 40 days of energy consumption in an American home (1.150 kilowatt-hours). (That is)


Change in the Copyright Law

A project that changes the Copyright Law must be voted on in the National Congress this Wednesday (23); he exempts governments, public bodies and philanthropic entities from paying copyrights to musicians when they use their works at events, that is, a class would receive nothing for their work. More than 30 entities reacted and signed a manifesto against the bill. (UOL)

It returned

Bolsonaro goes to Planalto for the first time in 20 days. The president was last at work on November 3 due to a wound on his leg that prevented him from putting on pants, said vice-president Hamilton Mourão. The president's health situation has not been officially confirmed. (UOL)

Just like John Lennon and Paul McCartney 

Marcelo Fróes, Erasmo Carlos' music producer, compared the Tremendão duo with Roberto Carlos to the partnership of Lennon and Paul, from the Beatles. For Marcelo Erasmo and Roberto, they were the pillar of national rock:  “Life would certainly have been very different if they hadn’t come together.” Roberto and Erasmus were great friends and Roberto was one of the last to speak to his 'comrade brother'. (The globe)


Changed sides

Bolsonaro's supporters are waving to Lula. Now it was the turn of Edir Macedo's political arm, Josias de Souza, to declare itself independent. Bolsonaro was putting pressure on the Republicans to oppose Lula, but the party nods to the new government. Edir Macedo has already posed alongside FHC, Lula, Dilma, Bolsonaro and now turns to Lula.

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