Registration of weapons released by the PF grows 170% under the Bolsonaro government

The number of new pistols released to citizens by the Federal Police increased by 170% under the Bolsonaro government. The relaxation of standards also allowed for the concession of carrying weapons with more powerful calibers, previously restricted to police forces.

Last year there were 108 thousand new pistol registrations, compared to 40 thousand in 2018, according to data obtained by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo 🚥 .


In Brazil, only the Armed Forces, police forces and CACs (weapon collectors, shooters and hunters) were authorized to use 9mm caliber pistols. But in 2019 they were released to anyone. 

As the report shows, during the administration of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), demands for authorization for citizens to purchase weapons increased, especially from hunters and shooters. 

“Permissions to purchase firearms have increased significantly in Brazil. It rose 1.450%, which is equivalent to 15 times, since 2018”, commented Bolsonaro during a live broadcast last Thursday (21), under the incoherent claim that arming the population reduces violence. 


According to the Brazilian Public Security Forum (FBSP), the correlation made by Bolsonaro between the flexibility of weapons and the reduction in the number of homicides is false. “The more weapons available and in circulation, the greater the likelihood of crimes”, according to the entity.

With these new policies issued in 2019 and 2020 by the president, the criminal organization PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital) began to legally acquire rifles and ammunition. The members of the faction have registered in the CAC category to obtain weapons, according to the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo 🚥. 

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