Image credits: Marcelo Camargo/Agência Brasil

The Enem answer sheet is out! But the editorial correction, only in April

Relief for some, despair for others: the official answer sheet for the National Medical Education Examination (Enem) came out this Wednesday!! The tests were administered on the last two Sundays. The results can be accessed on the official Inep page, responsible for administering the test. The final results are expected to be released on February 13th.

If you haven't checked out the official template yet, hurry up: finally, it's out and can be accessed via the website. Inep (National Institute of Educational Research Anísio Teixeira).


“The writing mirror, with the details of the text corrections, will only be released in April, along with the grades of the training participants, who are those who have not yet completed high school and took the exam just to test their knowledge”, detailed the federal management in a note.

Question canceled

A question from the Mathematics test was canceled: the question is 175 in the yellow test, 141 in the pink and 157 in the gray, blue, orange and green exams.

Experts hypothesized that there was a typing error in the item, which uses an algebraic expression to talk about salary.


What is Enem for?

The test selects students for higher education places in public institutions through the Unified Selection System (Sisu) and scholarships in private institutions, through the University for All Program (Prouni).

In addition to composing the score for several entrance exams, Enem also serves as a parameter for the Student Financing Fund (Fies), according to the federal government.

Universities that use the Enem score will only begin the selection process after the scores are released. But there is no set date yet.


Absence due to covid-19 and etc…

Those who cannot take the tests due to logistical problems or infectious diseases (Covid-19, for example) have until next Friday (25) to request the exam to be reapplied.

“The tests will be reapplied on January 10th and 11th, 2023. In cases of infectious diseases, requests must be accompanied by supporting documents. Regarding logistical problems, the Institute will evaluate requests according to the possible complications recorded”, informs Inep.

Source: Estadão Content

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