Mental health
Image credits: Canva

Mental health: a guide for Curto News on the subject

This Monday, October 10th, International Mental Health Day is celebrated. The date seeks to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of our mental health - something that has been neglected and stigmatized for a long time. Check out a selection of reports from Curto News that reinforces the need for care on this topic.

Mental health and the relationship with the work environment

At the end of September, the UN highlighted the importance of making a greater effort, worldwide, to protect the mental health in the workplace. The organization presented new recommendations for reducing stress. The two UN agencies responsible for health and labor respectively have published a series of guidelines to prevent mental health risks and protect workers.


Artist support

The singer's cosmetics brand Rare Beauty Selena Gomez, allocates resources to two Brazilian institutions that work with mental health care. At the time of the announcement, the artist stated that “I wish more people talked about mental health when I was younger, so I could learn and understand what was happening to my own health sooner.”

Yellow September: why do we need to talk about suicide?

September is the month of the biggest mental health campaign and suicide prevention, a problem that today causes more deaths than homicides, HIV, breast cancer, malaria and wars, according to the World Health Organization. Started in Brazil in 2015, the campaign's mission is to show that suicide is a serious public health issue, in addition to breaking the taboo that persists on the topic and providing guidance on the importance of seeking qualified help in situations of psychological distress.

Maximum alert for mental health in Brazil

In the last ten years in Brazil, the number of deaths resulting from self-harm has doubled from around 7 thousand to 14 thousand, not counting underreporting. The data is equivalent to one suicide incident every hour in the country. This year, the increase in cases exceeds the number of deaths due to HIV or motorcycle accidents and reflects the increase in vulnerability of mental health in Brazil.


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