Surfing women's week at PodDelas; see more in this week's podcasts

Who out there likes to catch some waves? This week, PodDelas was all about women's surfing. The co-host was influencer — and surfer — Rachel Apollonio. Find out which were the most interesting podcasts this week!


Influencer Rachel Apollonio co-hosted the podcast this week alongside Boo Unzueta. With the theme “women in surfing”, the duo of journalists and surfers Erica and Claudinha went for a chat with Boo and Rachel. They talked about their careers, in surfing and journalism. In addition to opening their perceptions about women in sport.


Who Can, Pod

This week, Cleo was present on the podcast presented by Gio Ewbank and Fe Paes Leme. One topic she covered on the program was toxic relationships. The actress said that before meeting her husband, she had never been in a healthy relationship. She said she was “terrified of men”.

The Silent

The podcast icon is back with another one! Chico Felitti presents “A Silenciosa”, in partnership with Pfizer. The reporter investigates the lives of people who live with a mystery in their blood.


Presenter Luciano Huck went to the podcast presented by Igão e Mítica this week. And there was no way, the subject of the disappearance of the submarine was the agenda of the program. Huck also recalled a plane crash he was in.


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