violence against women
Image credits: violence against women

Being a woman: death threats, rape and images linked to romanticism

Representative Sâmia Bonfim (PSOL) was threatened with rape and death the day after sexist comments on the internet against the female ticket formed by Simone Tebet and Mara Gabrilli (MDB, PSDB and Citizenship) for the Presidency of the Republic. Structural machismo camouflages violence against women - in life, in politics and in positions of power - also in the form of false praise.

Sâmia Bonfim, state deputy and PSOL leader in the Chamber, was the newest victim of violence against women among public figures in recent days. The deputy filed a police report after receiving death and rape threats via email.


The user detailed in the message that she would not be re-elected, as she will be “tied up and raped” in front of her son, aged one and a half, and her husband, also a deputy, Glauber Braga (PSOL).

The police report was registered on Friday, but Sâmia published the story online on Tuesday: “I reflected that, even though it wasn't the first threat, it was the most serious and perverse. Very similar to those addressed to Manuela D'Ávila and Duda Salabert”, wrote the deputy.

The investigation into the authorship of the crime is under the responsibility of the Civil Police of the State of São Paulo.


The Manuela D'ávila case

As mentioned by Sâmia, former federal deputy Manuela D'ávila also made a complaint, on social media, after receiving a threat directed at her and her six-year-old daughter Laura.

In the message, exposed by Manuela, a user swears and makes comments with sexual connotations towards her daughter, in addition to threatening to kill former president Lula.

Manuela explained that “being a public woman in Brazil means being permanently threatened. It’s living with the threat of rape as a correction for courage, with the threat of death as a silencer,” she wrote.


Machismo beyond the anonymity of networks

This week, after the confirmation of Mara Gabrilli (PSDB) as Simone Tebet's (MDB) vice-president for the presidential elections, several internet users denounced the sexist speeches coming from party leaders, on the networks, at the launch event of the female ticket.

Out of the electoral race

The threats, attitudes and sexist speeches are not just directed at women in Congress. A survey carried out by the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro showed that, in the first half of this year, seven reports of violence against women occurred per hour. There were more than 34 thousand reports of cases of violence against women in the state in the first six months.

In addition to the data, report published on G1 recalled cases of feminicide in the state of Rio de Janeiro, which recorded 57 feminicides in this first semester. (G1)


This month, the August Lilás campaign is carried out to raise awareness of violence against women.

(Photo at Top: Reproduction/Unsplash)

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