Sextou with podcast! See (and hear) what was highlighted this week

FRIDAY! And to spice up your weekend, the Curto News has selected the most popular podcasts in recent days for you to enjoy in your free time.

A busy week with no time to keep up with what’s going on in the audiovisual world, right? O Curto News helps you with a list of podcast that were most popular this week.


  • bulldog show

The iconic DJ Marlboro, who is considered one of the creators of Rio funk, went to the Bulldog Show and criticized funk players who put pornography in their melodies. For him, this type of music hinders the growth of the funk scene and “makes the general public embarrassed to listen to the lyrics”.

  • Can give meadow

Former Farm Erika Schneider went to the Can give meadow, podcast by Gabi Prado, and recalled a fight he had a short time ago with ex-BBB Sarah Andrade. She said she “found her ex-sister’s attitude ugly.”

  • Who Can, Pod

The singer Rebecca went to the podcast Who Can, Can by Gio Ewbank and Fe Paes Leme, and talked about his career, which began with the hit “Cai de Boca”, a gift from Ludmilla. Rebecca said that, at the time, the two were friends and now they are not. Tense, huh?


  • Monarch

The presidential candidate Ciro Gomes (PDT) attended the Monark podcast. Several internet users criticized the candidate, but Monark came to the politician's defense, saying he was "courageous" just for being there.

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