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SP has 3rd death suspected of spotted fever; see on Curto Flash

The three deaths occurred on the 8th of this month. The victims were at an event at Fazenda Santa Margarida, in the eastern region of Campinas (SP), the likely location of the infection. See more at Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment. Game curto is fast!

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

The Secretaria de Saúde de Hortolândia confirmou, nesta terça-feira (13), que uma moradora da cidade morreu com suspeita de febre maculosa, após ir ao mesmo evento frequentado pela dentista Mariana Giordano e seu namorado, o piloto Marcelo Costa. No caso de Mariana, o Instituto Adolfo Lutz já confirmou que a morte foi causada pela doença. (Estadão)(I.e.


Americanas admits and details fraud

Americanas' financial statements had been defrauded by the previous board, the company reported this Tuesday (13).

The information was admitted by the company for the first time and appears in a report by legal advisors presented to the retailer's board of directors. The company is in judicial recovery, after finding an accounting hole at the beginning of the year. (g1)

CPI of 8/1

The CPMI (Mixed Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry) into the undemocratic acts of January 8 approved this Tuesday (13) the summons of the former Secretary of Security of the Federal District Anderson Torres and Lieutenant Colonel Mauro Cid, Jair's former aide-de-camp. Bolsonaro (PL). Generals Augusto Heleno and Braga Netto will also be called. (UOL)


Trump claims innocence

For the second time in two months, the ex-president of the USA, Donald Trump, presented himself to Justice, was booked, became a defendant in a criminal case and claimed innocence. This time, this Tuesday (13), in a federal court in downtown Miami, where he was previously in custody to hear the 37 charges he will face for keeping secret documents with him after leaving the White House. (FSP)(I.e.

Minister of Tourism stays in government

President Lula (PT) decided to keep the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Carneiro, in the direction of the folder. They met this Tuesday morning (13) at Palácio do Planalto, to discuss whether he would remain in office. It was the first conversation between the two about possible dismissal.

In recent days, União Brasil has been pressuring the government for the Ministry of Tourism to be taken over by federal deputy Celso Sabino (União-PA), who has the support of the majority of the party's bench. The agreement for the parliamentarian to take over the portfolio comes after the minister's split with the party. (State of Minas)(I.e.


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