TCU approves Bolsonaro government accounts with reservations
Image credits: Fabio Rodrigues-Pozzebom/ Agência Brasil

TCU approves Bolsonaro government accounts with reservations; see on Curto Flash

The Federal Court of Auditors approved with reservations this Wednesday (7) the accounts for the last year of former president Jair Bolsonaro's term in office, in 2022. See more at Curto Flash, our selection of the main headlines of the moment. Game curto is fast!

Bolsonaro government accounts

The court's technicians pointed out three improprieties and one irregularity in the execution of budgets and the management of federal public resources during Bolsonaro's administration in 2022. Despite this, the TCU found that, although relevant, the irregularities, as a whole, “do not present materiality and seriousness sufficient to support an adverse opinion on the management of the Union's budgets and other operations carried out with federal public resources, especially regarding what is established in the annual budget law”. (FSP) 🚥


Mauro Cid's cell phone

The Federal Police found on the cell phone of Jair Bolsonaro's former aide-de-camp, Colonel Mauro Cid, the draft of a decree on the Guarantee of Law and Order (GLO) and some “studies” that, according to investigators, were intended to support a possible coup d'état. The GLO is a military operation that allows the President of the Republic to summon the Armed Forces in situations of disturbance of public order. (The Globe) 🚥

The federal government announced that beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família program will be able to collect the 40 medicines available on the current Farmácia Popular list free of charge. Currently, the medications available in the program are divided into two categories. Part of the list is free, and part has a 90% discount compared to the listed price of commercial pharmacies. (g1)

Acquisition of Garoto by Nestlé

The Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) approved this Wednesday (7) the agreement with Nestlé that releases, after more than 20 years, the company's purchase of Garoto. The case is emblematic at Cade, both for the time it has been processed at the municipality and for the episodes that marked the process, with comings and goings and court decisions that required the council to re-analyze the business. (InfoMoney)


Ashes in NY

New York dawned covered in ash and with the worst air quality this Wednesday. The reasons behind the haze and poor air quality are due to a fire in the Canadian province of Quebec, which has become the latest epicenter of the 250 fires raging across the country.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams even reported during Tuesday night that the air was unhealthy. As a result of this current situation that the city is experiencing, the National Meteorological Service asked people to avoid exercising outdoors and avoid driving cars due to low light. (Young pan)

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