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BUSINESS: Felipe Neto and Anitta throw the spotlight on the discussion about alliances for Rio de Janeiro elections

After criticizing Bolsonaro and supporting Lula, Anitta and Felipe Neto added fuel to the fire regarding the dispute between left-wing parties in Rio de Janeiro. The topic was one of the most talked about on social media.

Celebrities with millions of followers, singer Anitta and YouTuber Felipe Neto caused an unthinkable engagement around Brazilian politics, in yet another chapter in the digital pre-election series in the dispute for young voters. This time, the discussion was not focused on the Lula x Bolsonaro fight, but on the disagreements between left-wing parties.


Anitta and Neto positioned themselves in favor of the candidacy of Alessando Molon (PSB) for the Senate in Rio, contradicting the PT's desire to nominate the president of the Legislative Assembly, André Ceciliano, as the only candidate on the ticket. The lack of agreement between PSB and PT caused Rio's PT members to declare a withdrawal of support for Marcelo Freixo (PSB), candidate for state government.

Rio became Brazil

Anitta went online to defend Alessandro Molon, but tweeted that she has not yet decided who she will vote for for the government of Rio de Janeiro:

Felipe Neto defended Marcelo Freixo and provoked the PT members, saying that withdrawing support for the PSB deputy only makes his opponent, Cláudio Castro (PL), win the dispute. Freixo and Castro appear in polls of voting intentions competing for the preference of the RJ electorate.


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