Elections 2022: everything you need to know
Image credits: Agência Brasil

Guide Curto Elections 2022

Who are the candidates for President? How does e-Título work? Can I take my cell phone to vote? Here, the Curto News compiles everything you need to know about the 2022 elections.

See the candidates for the Presidency of the Republic approved by the TSE

O Curto shows you which are the 11 candidates for the Presidency of the Republic, approved by the Electoral Court. Check the names, parties and write down the number of your chosen one.


e-Título can be downloaded from Android and iOS stores until Saturday, the day before the elections

Anyone who has not yet downloaded the e-Título application and already has the biometrics collected by the Electoral Court has until Saturday (1st), the day before the elections, to do so. But it is important to remember that cell phones can only be used for voter identification and will not be allowed inside the voting booth. Those who did not undergo biometrics, suspended due to the pandemic, will be able to vote with a paper document.

e-Título is the digital copy of the voter registration card
e-Título is the digital copy of the voter registration card

What is democracy? Why do we need it as a nation?

In election week, the concept “democracy” is plastered across most newspapers, websites and campaigns. But do you understand what democracy is and why it has been talked about so much lately? O Curto News spoke with researcher at the Center for the Analysis of Freedom and Authoritarianism (Laut) and master's student at USP, Marina Slhessarenko Fraife Barreto, to explain what's behind a democratic government.

Electronic voting machines have never had fraud since their implementation in 1996

Electronic voting machines have been used for voting and counting elections in Brazil for more than 20 years. The implementation of the electronic system, in the 1990s, made it possible for Brazil to have results just hours after the end of voting. This is different from what happens in other countries, where the count can take days. A safe and efficient system. Understand how electronic voting machines work and why they are so reliable.


See what's behind the security of your vote

The entire process, from the installation of the polling station to the announcement of those elected, is meticulously taken care of to guarantee total security. In fact, around a year before, tests, simulations and inspections were already being carried out to guarantee the authenticity and integrity of the system, with the presence of authorities and representatives of civil entities from here and outside the country.

Consult your polling place with the TSE virtual assistant

Voting times will be the same throughout Brazil

The Superior Electoral Court (TSE), for the first time, standardized voting times throughout Brazil. Election sessions will open at 8am and close at 17pm Brasília time.

First and second round: understand the mathematics of elections

In Brazilian elections, there are two systems for electing representatives: the majority system, for the positions of president, governor, senator and mayors, and the proportional system, for federal and state deputies and councilors. In the case of these elections, municipal positions are left out. See how each of them works and how they apply in these elections.


electronic polls
TRE-DF technicians carry out the checking and sealing of electronic ballot boxes for the 1st round of the 2022 Elections.

TSE restricts carrying of weapons on election day

Carrying weapons at polling places is prohibited. The restriction applies to a radius of 100 meters from polling stations, from 48 hours before the vote, and up to 24 hours after it.

Cell phones are not allowed in the voting room

Cell phones and other electronic devices will not be allowed into the voting booth with voters. Anyone who arrives with a cell phone will have to leave the device with the “federal authority”, which in this case will be the poll worker.

Electoral propaganda: see what can and cannot be done

The electoral propaganda period began on August 16th. Do you know how it works in practice? O Curto News tells you.


Get ready for the elections! 18 special projects to read, see and listen to

Candidates, parties, coalitions, acronyms, government plans, research, campaigns, statistics. There are many factors involved in the electoral process. So that the population has access to public information and can understand what it means in the process of choosing a candidate, there are people working on formats and systems to facilitate voter understanding. We have listed some projects to read, watch or listen to until the day of the 'festival of democracy' arrives.

voter registration

Electoral surveys: how are they carried out and where to follow?

There are people who turn their noses up at electoral polls, arguing that the results of the elections could be different from what the surveys indicate. Do you know why surveys are important and how they work? O Curto explain it to you.

Why can you trust electoral polls?

Voting intention surveys are the focus of internet haters and targets of viral disinformation campaigns on social media. To avoid falling for fake news, we list what you need to know about the research. Understand concepts such as sampling, margin of error, level of confidence and the role of these surveys in the electoral game.


Just on paper? Discover the presidential candidates’ plans for the environment

The four best-placed candidates in voting intention polls repeatedly state that one of the priorities of their 'event management' would be the fight against illegal deforestation and burning of Brazilian biomes. But what do your government plans say? O Curto News separated some highlights.

Amazon fire
Aerial view of fires in the Amazon on August 31, 2022. Photo by Douglas Magno / AFP.
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