Image credits: Andrew Parsons / 10 Downing Street

‘Um míssil levaria um minuto’, diz Johnson sobre suposta ameaça de Putin

O ex-primeiro-ministro britânico Boris Johnson conta em um documentário da rede de TV BBC que o presidente russo, Vladimir Putin, o "ameaçou de certa forma" antes da invasão da Ucrânia, ao dizer-lhe que "um míssil levaria um minuto".

In the three-part documentary, which will air its first episode on Monday night on the BBC, the former British head of government recounts his “very long” and “extraordinary” telephone conversation with the Russian president after his visit to Kiev at the beginning of February last year.


At the time, Putin continued to say that he had no intention of invading neighboring Ukraine, despite the massive influx of Russian troops in the border regions.

Boris Johnson conta ter alertado o presidente russo sobre as fortes sanções que os ocidentais adotariam caso o fizesse.

Then, the former British Prime Minister claims that Putin told him: “Boris, you say that Ukraine is not going to join NATO anytime soon (…) What do you mean by 'any time soon'?”


“That you will not join NATO in the near future, you know that very well,” replied Johnson, who has supported the Ukrainians since the beginning of the conflict.

“I don’t want to hurt you, but…”

“Em certo momento, de certa forma me ameaçou e disse: ‘Boris, eu não quero lhe fazer mal, mas com um míssil, levaria um minuto’ ou algo assim”, acrescentou Boris Johnson.

“I think that taking into account the relaxed tone he reigned, the distance he seemed to have, he did not take into account my attempts to get him to negotiate”, adds the former prime minister, who left Downing Street at the beginning of September after a series of scandals.


In the documentary, Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky says he was uncomfortable with the attitude of Westerners at the time.

“If you know that Russia is going to invade Ukraine tomorrow, why don't you offer me what I need today to stop it? If you can’t, stop it yourselves,” she said.

(with AFP)

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