Vai na Fé: kiss between Clara and Helena is cut and disappoints fans

Vai na Fé' would show this Wednesday (10) a kiss scene between the characters Clara (Regiane Alves) and Helena (Priscila Sztejnman). The scene, however, was cut and outraged the web, which responded with the phrase "Globo supports censorship". The protest reached the most talked about topics on Twitter.

Clara and Helena’s first “real” kiss was scheduled for last Wednesday’s episode (10/05) in Go in Faith. the character of Regiane Alves would feel an atmosphere with the personal trainer, played by Priscilla Sztejnman, and would kiss her willingly.


The kiss was highly anticipated by the couple’s fans.”Clarena” since it wouldn't be due to the pressure of two inconvenient men, as happened the first time the characters kissed. But the full kiss scene in Vai na Fé didn't air, frustrating fans and even Regiane Alves herself, who spoke out on social media.

The soap opera's viewers, motivated by the summaries released and the scenes from the next chapter shown the day before, detonated TV Globo's stance on their profiles. In a statement, the broadcaster said that “every soap opera is subject to edits”.

The complete scene would show Clara and Helena kissing in a simple way, almost a simple brush of lips. They would be mesmerized by each other during a stretching exercise, just as it was aired, but Helena would actually touch the student — which did not happen.


It is no longer possible to find Clara and Helena's kiss scene in the soap opera's “chapter summaries” description in the Gshow.

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