ANALYSIS: how to apply artificial intelligence in practice to the real estate market?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that has been revolutionizing several sectors of the economy, including real estate. Using algorithms capable of learning, analyzing and interacting with data, AI can offer innovative solutions to improve efficiency, quality and results.

If before bots were only capable of simple and literally “robotic” tasks, now with advanced artificial intelligence, they can easily perform jobs that require complex analysis, even better than us humans.


Although we hear a lot about it, and almost all of us “talk” to the ChatGPTIn practice, most companies still have no idea how to use this to improve their business. Improve a text here, create some names there, help with guidance.

An example of the application of AI in the real estate sector is MIA, an artificial intelligence lead service solution developed by MRV, the largest construction company in Latin America. Through the API ChatGPT, the tool is capable of talking to potential customers, understanding their needs, presenting available projects, scheduling visits and even negotiating prices and payment terms. According to MRV, the ChatGPT already initiates 50% of the company's sales and has a lead-to-sales conversion rate 30% higher than the market average.

MRV employs API ChatGPT for customer service (reproduction)
MRV employs API ChatGPT for customer service (reproduction)

Another use case for AI in the real estate industry is data analysis to optimize marketing and sales strategies. With the use of tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Ads and CRM, it is possible to collect and process information about the profile, behavior and preferences of leads, as well as the performance of campaigns and brokers. This data can be used to segment the target audience, personalize offers, manage the sales funnel and evaluate results.


The real estate sector is one of those that invests the most in generating leads, as it knows that this is a determining factor in increasing sales. According to a study by Contentools, companies in the real estate sector invest an average of R$2.500 per month in generating leads. However, generating leads is not enough if they are not well attended to and converted into sales. According to another study by RockContent, the average conversion rate from leads to sales in the real estate sector is just 0,5%. This means that for every 200 leads generated, only one becomes a customer.

Many developers still have difficulty knowing how to apply artificial intelligence to their businesses. They see this technology as something distant, risky and expensive, which requires a high investment and a major change in culture. However, this view is mistaken and limits the sector's possibilities for growth and innovation.

Cris: real estate agency launches AI virtual assistant to help customers (reproduction)
Cris: real estate agency launches AI virtual assistant to help customers (reproduction)

With the democratization of AI solutions, there are now startups that offer simple, affordable and effective solutions for the real estate sector. These startups develop products that can be easily integrated into developers' systems and processes, without the need for major changes or costs.


Unlike companies like MRV, which develop their own technology, developers like Impacto Construções and EPH Incorporadora invest in startups like Aipim Tech, a company that offers products aimed at serving developers of all sizes with solutions that increase efficiency and results, and also reduce costs.

One of the solutions of is the application of AI to serve leads, qualify them, record information correctly in the CRM, and direct and monitor leads with the sales team. This solution allows leads to be answered quickly, without wasting time or opportunities, and brokers receive more qualified leads ready to close a deal. In addition to representing a low cost to have a 24/7 operation, it is easily scalable.

Another solution, also aimed at a pain point for developers, is an AI sales assistant that monitors the work of brokers to help them avoid leaving any leads idle, giving them tips and sending training to them. This solution helps brokers improve their sales skills, follow best market practices and increase their productivity and performance.


Therefore, it is clear that AI is an accessible technology that can bring several benefits to the real estate sector, from lead generation to conversion. A technological turning point in the sector involves companies like, which offer ready-made and personalized solutions for companies of different sizes. With this, developers can take advantage of the full potential of AI to sell more and better their properties on the plan, and not just improve texts via ChatGPT.

Vinícius Loureiro Marques is a business strategist and director of strategy at VMV Real Estate Consulting

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