Atlético Mineiro launches 'Galoverso' to engage fans in the virtual environment

Atlético Mineiro and Fortnite announced this Monday (26) a partnership to put the MRV Arena in the game. Find out more about Galoverso.

  • O launch do Galoverso will take place on Wednesday, the 28th, in Belo Horizonte. Guests will be able to test the new environment.
  • The objective of the metaversonico project is to bring Atlético and Arena MRV to an even larger audience. The action will provide an immersive experience for fans, sponsors and players.
  • The project in the virtual world is signed by the company IM Design, a company that creates virtual environments.
  • The Platform will allow you to explore Atlético spaces, interact with other fans and participate in gamified activities.
  • Although some people will be able to enter the space on Wednesday, fans will only be able to enter Galoverso in the second half of July, when the space will be opened to the public.

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