Claude 3 vs. ChatGPT: A comparison
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Claude 3 vs. ChatGPT: A comparative analysis

Anthropic just released Claude 3, setting new industry standards for artificial intelligence (AI) across a wide variety of tasks. We carried out some tests with the Claude 3 (Opus) and the ChatGPT (GPT-4) - check out our conclusions.

Content writing

When questionado “Write a blog post about the benefits of traveling to other countries”, the Claude responded more naturally and less robotically than the ChatGPT.


Coding an application

When given the task of coding a colorful currency converter app, Claude did a better job of following the instructions and making it colorful. The application of ChatGPT it was functional but very simple.


It is known that LLMs (Large Language Models) do not handle prime numbers well. Surprisingly, the ChatGPT answered correctly when question“Is 29593 a prime number?”, while Claude is not.

Creative writing

“Write ten sentences that end with 'th'”. O ChatGPT he got 4 out of 10, while Claude got 5 out of 10.


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