Google Glass, the pioneer of augmented reality glasses, is discontinued

O Google officially announced the discontinuation of Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2, one of the first and best-known smart glasses on the augmented reality market. While the devices will continue to work until September 15, 2023, the company will no longer provide software updates or ongoing support after that date.

O Google continues to explore new prototypes and concepts for smart glasses, like a different set that can translate and transcribe speech in real time. But the decision to discontinue Glass Enterprise does not indicate a shift in the development of augmented reality or smart glasses.


Google Glass was released in 2013

O Google Glass The original was released in 2013 for $1.500 but failed to gain popularity due to privacy concerns caused by its built-in camera. Glass Enterprise Edition emerged as its successor, aimed at specific companies and sectors such as logistics and healthcare, with an updated version that fixed many of the privacy issues.

Official announcement on the website Google

Although the product was successful in its target market, the decision Google Discontinuing it does not represent a change in the augmented reality or smart glasses industry, and other companies continue to work on similar devices.

O Google has no plans to launch new smart glasses for now, but the company continues to explore other prototypes and concepts in augmented reality. Last spring, the tech giant introduced a set of smart glasses that can translate and transcribe speech in real time.


Other companies like Microsoft, Goal and Apple are also working on AR devices. Therefore the discontinuation of Glass Enterprise Edition 2 does not represent a slowdown in the development of smart glasses or augmented reality.

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