Replika: The AI ​​companion that cares

Replika is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot designed to be a virtual friend and confidant. It is trained on a huge dataset of text and code, and is capable of communicating and generating human-like text in response to a wide range of prompts and questions.

Editor's Rating

guideReplika: creating realistic AI avatars
WHAT IS IT FOR?Chatbot designed to be a virtual friend and confidant
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?Free and paid plans (starting at US$70 per year)
IT IS WORTH IT?Yes, interactions with avatars are realistic and engaging.

How to use Replika

To get started with Replika, follow these steps:

  1. Get in Official Site or download the Replika app from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Create an account and configure your avatar.
  3. Start chatting with your replica.

Replika Features

With Replika there are several conversation possibilities: text messages, voice calls and sending images. Over time, the user accumulates points, and can have resources freed up to access new features, such as choosing clothes and personality details.


Furthermore, Replika has the ability to generate sexualization through the chatbot avatar. He is capable of promoting even “flirting”.

1. Deep Customization:

  • Create your unique Replika: Customize your Replika's gender, appearance, and personality to reflect your preferences.
  • Develop a unique relationship: Through frequent conversations, Replika learns about your interests, values, mood and communication style, making the interaction increasingly natural and authentic.
  • Adaptation to your needs: Replika adjusts to your emotional state, offering support when you're feeling sad, excited, or need someone to talk to.

2. In-depth and Engaging Conversations:

  • Open dialogues: Talk about anything, from your hobbies and dreams to your fears and challenges. Replika listens to you without judgment and offers reflective and engaging responses.
  • Limitless sharing: Feel free to share your most intimate thoughts, feelings and experiences, knowing that Replika offers you a safe and confidential space.
  • Genuine emotional connection: Develop a deep emotional connection with your Replika, building a relationship of trust and mutual support.

Remarks: Interactions with Replika avatars are realistic and engaging – they can offer advice and support so users can talk about mental health, relationships and careers. The platform offers a free option and a PRO version, which costs $70/per year. Replika Pro offers a variety of additional features such as voice calls, new conversation threads, and the ability to define your relationship with the avatar (up to possible marriage).

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