AI and the future of governments: study highlights unexpected impacts and critical challenges

Artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a transformative force in the global panorama, promehaving revolutionized the way governments operate and serve their citizens. However, an analysis by the Center for Macroeconomics and Developments (CMD) warns that this promeThis comes with a set of complex challenges and unforeseen impacts that require urgent attention.


The study published by CMD, authored by Tiago Peixoto, Otaviano Canuto and Luke Jordan, highlights that, although AI presents notable advances, it also raises concerns about a new form of digital inequality: linguistic inequality. The predominance of language models trained in English puts the inclusion of less common languages ​​and cultures at risk. Language minority countries face obstacles in effectively applying AI, deepening the gap between those with access to the technology and those excluded.

The employment dilemma in public administration

AI-driven automation raises concerns about the future of work in public administration. A promeThis process of greater efficiency and productivity can result in the automation of tasks and the displacement of employees. The Cmacrodev study emphasizes the need to balance the benefits of automation with the protection of workers and the quality of public services.

AI, according to the study, also presents challenges for government revenue mobilization. The automation of functions previously performed by humans raises the question of how to ensure a sustainable and fair tax base. The global nature of AI makes it difficult to track and tax profits, requiring a review of tax policies to deal with this new reality,


The threat to government response capacity

The growing economic disparity fueled by AI could undermine the government's responsiveness to the needs of its citizens. An influential elite and a marginalized population can lead to a decline in the legitimacy of democratic institutions and a loss of trust in government.

According to the three researchers, facing these challenges requires a collaborative and proactive approach. Governments, civil society, the private sector and academia must work together to develop policies and strategies that ensure the ethical, inclusive and responsible use of AI. Only in this way can it be guaranteed that its benefits reach all members of society, not just a privileged minority, concludes the study.

* The text of this article was partially generated by artificial intelligence tools, state-of-the-art language models that assist in the preparation, review, translation and summarization of texts. Text entries were created by the Curto News and responses from AI tools were used to improve the final content.
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