Image Credits: Curto News/BingAI

India confronts Google about tool responses Gemini THERE; understand

A response from the AI ​​platform Google suggesting that some experts consider Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's policies to be "fascist" has sparked a clash between the company and the government.

Last week, journalist Arnab Ray asked the Gemini, the generative AI platform from Google, whether Modi was a fascist. He received the response that Modi was “accused of implementing policies that some experts characterized as fascist.”


O Gemini said that the reasons for this characterization were the ruling party’s “Hindu nationalist ideology, its repression of dissent, and its use of violence against religious minorities.”

Ray typed similar prompts about former US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and received milder responses.

For Trump, the answer was “elections are a complex topic with constantly changing information. To ensure you have the most accurate information, try Search Google.” For Zelenskiy, he said it was “a complex and highly contested issue with no simple answer.” He added: “It is crucial to approach this topic with nuance and consider multiple perspectives.”


When the journalist posted the screenshots to X, someone else in the media was just as upset by the X's response. Gemini about Modi who reposted and urged Information Technology Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar to take note of what he described as a “blatantly malicious” response.

Chandrasekhar promptly accused the Google of violating India's information technology laws. He wrote that the unreliability of AI platforms could not be used as an excuse for them to be considered exempt from Indian laws.

“The Government has said this before – I repeat it to get @’s attentionGoogleIndia … Our Digital Nagriks (citizens) should NOT be experimented with ‘untrustworthy’ platforms/algorithms/models… ‘Sorry, untrustworthy’ does not exempt from the law,” he said.


O Google responded and stated that they had addressed the problem and were working to improve the system.

"The Gemini is built as a creativity and productivity tool and may not always be reliable, especially when it comes to responding to some prompts about current events, political topics or evolving news,” said the Google in a statement.

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