Innovation Day: Meta tries to demystify the metaverse and reinforces long-term bets

This Friday (28), Meta held its annual event, Meta Innovation Day, which presented the company's trends and recent bets on the market. The main topic of the conversations was the metaverse, big tech's main bet in the long term, even though it is a speculative topic.

The event featured lectures on virtual, augmented and mixed reality, as well as panels that addressed the usefulness of the metaverse for the community, including topics such as fashion, creating communities, applying VR in industry and the social side applied to technology.


Authorities such as the mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes, secretaries and deputies also attended the Meta event, but did not delve deeper into the subject, limiting themselves to opening the event and leaving afterwards.

In addition to the lectures and panels, participants were able to participate in “activations” and experiences, including testing the Quest glasses and playing games in virtual reality.

Meta tries to demystify the metaverse for the community with Innovation Day (Photo: Uesley Durães/Newsverso)

Meta Innovation Day featured panels on the metaverse

Among the speakers at the event, the partnership leader at Reality Labs, Carolina Dalmolin, stood out, who highlighted the importance of the metaverse for societies. She stated that the company's small initiatives that connect to this new moment on the internet are already being adopted by users on social networks, citing avatars as an example. According to Carolina, 1 billion people have already created their “characters” in Meta.


The metaverse, however, still faces challenges in becoming popular in Brazil, due to the lack of accessibility to headsets. Freddy Pavão, from the company Árvore, focused on VR, argued that events like Innovation Day are important for people to understand what the new moment is about.

The negative point of the panels was the lack of exchange with the public. During the presentations, no one could ask questions to the experts.

Important figures from Meta were contacted after the event, but no one showed willingness to talk or answer questions from journalists.


If the proposal of Goal Innovation Day was to demystify the metaverse and get closer to the Web3 community, the event was successful. However, more will need to be done to popularize the company's initiatives and keep the hybrid universe relevant.

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