Lensa, the selfie app with Artificial Intelligence

Social media timelines are full of very realistic avatars of people and you don't want to miss out on this news, right? O Curto prepared a guide and shows you what it is and how to use this popular application. 

In recent days, several photos of realistic avatars have started to be shared on social media. The application that makes this material is called Lensa, which is capable of creating images using artificial intelligence, or AI. 


What is it?

Lensa was launched in 2016, by the company Prisma Labs Inc, and is an image editing application that is available for iOS and Android mobile devices. The app has some basic editing functions, such as adjusting color, brightness, and filters. 

How to create the avatar?

The application received a recent update that allows you to create realistic selfies, with various expressions, scenarios and angles (the ones we are seeing on the internet). The tool is called “Magic Avatars” and uses AI.

People liked it because it is simple to use and avoids wasting time editing and using very difficult applications. 


It wasn't just our acquaintances who had avatars made, you know? Among the stars who have already debuted the app are actress Zendaya, presenter Luciano Huck and even influencer Jade Picon, who also shared her click.

It's free?

It may come as a surprise to some, but the Lensa tool that allows you to create avatars is paid. According to the company, it is not possible to make the resource available for free, as creating these images requires complex AI. 

But the platform offers several plans for the user to choose from, which change depending on the number of creations.


  • 50 unique avatars (5 variations and 10 styles): R$20,99.
  • 100 unique avatars (10 variations and 10 styles): R$31,99.
  • 200 unique avatars (20 variations and 10 styles): R$42,99.

You can pay with your app store balance and also with a credit card. 

How do I use it?

You need to download the app from your mobile device's store and it cannot be used on devices other than this one. Did it go down? It's step by step time.

  • A minimum of 10 photos of the same person are required
  • Images of children are not allowed, only adults
  • Nudes are prohibited
  • The photo must be individual
  • Upload images with different backgrounds and expressions. 

Did you choose the photos?

  • Click on “Import”
  • Identify your gender 
  • Choose the plan ($) and click on “Purchase For” 

Ready, Lensa will make the photos available for download in around 18 minutes. Then yes, you can use it on social media. Did you like it? 


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