Mercedes requests patent registration for the metaverse in the USA

Apparently the automotive industry is one of the most excited about the metaverse. This is because another giant in the industry is joining web3 with patent registrations. After BMW, Mercedes-Benz went to the United States Patent and Trademark Office to register non-fungible tokens.

The request was registered on December 14th and officially released last Monday (19th) through North American trademark lawyer Michael Kondounis. He was also the one who announced last month BMW's arrival to register an NFT brand in the USA. 


Disclosure/Mercedes Benz Group AG

Mercedes license requests range from NFTs to virtual currency

According to the lawyer, trademark registration applications for NFTs were made for the S-Class, G-Class and Maybach automotive models, in addition to the names Mercedes and Mercedes Benz. Licenses range from digital currency to virtual vehicle parts and tokens. 

It is worth remembering that Mercedes is not the first to signal investments in the metaverse. In April, Hyundai launched its own NFTs, last month BMW also issued patent applications for the metaverse and now, in December, Aston Martin launched some models in partnership with a metaverse platform. 

Less popular automakers, such as Volkswagen and Fiat, also maintain initiatives designed for the metaverse and web3. We recently published here on Newsverse Check out some factors that make the metaverse super attractive for the automotive industry. 


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