UAE Ministry of Health launches metaverse initiative to hire doctors

The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Health and Prevention announced on Wednesday, the first day, the launch of a metaverse platform to assist in hiring doctors for the country. The program will allow doctors from all over the world to qualify and participate in the selection process to work there.

The initiative, which aims to attract and retain talent within the Middle Eastern country, was created to search for doctors in the four corners of the world who are interested in working in the United Arab Emirates. From the program, the Ministry of Health You will be able to interview and test doctors remotely, with the facilities of virtual reality. Once the interviews have been carried out, feedback on the process is also given virtually. 


Doctors from all over the world can apply for vacancies

Amin Hussein Al Amiri, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health and Prevention of the Emirati government says that “if the doctor is in Australia or any other country and we have three examiners in different locations in the UAE, they will all log into the metaverse and start the (entrance) exam. The three doctors in the UAE will be in their own healthcare facilities, but will be together as panelists in the metaverse.”

UAE Ministry of Health launches metaverse initiative to hire doctors

In addition to the help of metaverse tools for interviewing doctors, the platform also has artificial intelligence to identify possible cheating on the part of professionals. According to the entity, the AI ​​is capable of detecting whether people are receiving external support or “cheating” in the test based on the movements of the interviewees’ faces and eyes. The solution will be available for use there from February 6th.

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