Image credits: Reproduction/Nightshade

Nightshade: AI anti-plagiarism tool reaches 250 thousand downloads in 5 days

Researchers at the University of Chicago have developed “Nightshade,” a tool that aims to prevent artificial intelligence (AI) models from using artists' works without permission for training purposes. Five days after its launch, the tool has already reached 250 thousand downloads.

Rapid adoption

Nightshade has seen remarkable uptake, with 250.000 downloads within five days of its release, indicating a strong demand among artists to protect their creations against unauthorized training. artificial intelligence.


Global reach

Nightshade's user base spans the globe, highlighting the universal challenge artists face in protecting their work from AI exploitation and the global interest in solutions like Nightshade.

Operating mechanism

Nightshade alters artwork at the pixel level to trick AI algorithms into generating incorrect results. This “poisoning” approach aims to increase the costs associated with training on unlicensed data by driving appropriate licensing practices.

The proactive steps taken by researchers and the positive reception from the artistic community suggest growing collaboration between technologists and creators. This partnership is essential for developing ethical AI practices that respect and protect intellectual property rights.


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