Israel Quietly Incorporates AI Systems into Military Operations
Image credits: Canva

Israel's new military AI systems select targets and plan missions 'in minutes'

The Israel Defense Forces have begun using artificial intelligence (AI) to select air strike targets and organize war logistics as tensions rise in the Middle East.

Although the information is not confirmed by Israeli officials, an AI recommendation system is in place.aria being used to process large amounts of data, seeking to select targets for air attacks.


Later, attacks can be quickly orchestrated with the help of another AI model called Fire Factory. It uses data on military-approved targets to calculate munitions loads, prioritize and assign thousands of targets to aircraft and drones, and propose a schedule.

According to a an officer in the Israel Defense Forces, the technology is not yet subject to any international or state-level regulation. 

By making use of AI, the military will be able to minimize casualties, but critics warn of the potentially deadly consequences of relying on increasingly autonomous systems.


“If there is an error in the AI’s calculation, and if the AI ​​is not explainable, then who do we blame for the error?” said Tal Mimran, professor of international law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and former legal advisor to the army. “You can wipe out an entire family based on one mistake.”

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