Image credits: AFP

What is the G7?

The G7, also known as the Group of Seven, is an international organization made up of the seven most industrialized countries in the world. G7 members include Canada, the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom. The group was created in 1975 as a forum to promote economic and political cooperation between these nations.

The main function of G7 is to hold annual meetings of leaders from these countries to discuss global issues of common interest. Discussions cover a wide range of topics such as economics, trade, security, climate change and global health. The leaders of G7 seek to promote economic stability, international security and cooperation in areas of global challenges.


In addition to the summit meetings, the G7 it also holds ministerial meetings, in which ministers from different areas discuss specific issues. These meetings aim to strengthen political and economic coordination between member countries.

However, it is important to note that the G7 It does not have a formal decision-making system or the ability to directly impose its policies on other nations. Their joint discussions and statements are considered important guidance for the international community and often influence the global agenda.

Sources of ChatGPT:

  • Canada and the G7. Available at: https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/g7/index.aspx?lang=eng
  • What does the G7 mean? Available at: https://time.com/5657375/what-is-g7/

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