Mayor of São Paulo wants Virada Cultural no Metaverso for next year and talks about “talking to TCM”

This Friday morning, Ricardo Nunes, mayor of São Paulo, was at a Meta event talking about the adoption of technologies by public authorities. He avoided the controversy over the cancellation of Virada do Metaverso, but spoke briefly about the suspension after the Court of Auditors barred bidding for the event.

During speech at the event Meta Innovation Day, at the company's headquarters in the capital of São Paulo, the mayor commented on the Municipal Audit Court's refusal to VCultural anger in the Metaverse. Accompanied by the city's Secretary of Culture, Aline Torres, he argued that technology would add to the city's cultural event. 


Who knows next year?

Nunes was disappointed with the TCU's decision, but, according to him, “the management will talk to the Court to bring the news next year”. 

The mayor said that he would convince the body of the initiative's innovative power and try to make the event viable in a virtual environment for 2024.

The mayor defended the use of the metaverse as a way of “bringing numerous benefits to the city of SP, demonstrating actions”, interacting with other countries and even helping the city with the issue of “selling technological solutions”.


“The biggest action that can be taken to reduce social inequality is the generation of jobs and income... but we will only be able to make great progress when we monitor technological issues... and be within the context of the metaverse”, he argued. Nunes.

Metaverse to encourage sports

In his brief speech, without space for questionment of journalists, the mayor of São Paulo said that technology can “encourage people to practice more sports”. 

“We can have an action in the metaverse so that he [the young man], due to technological issues, can be more motivated to use city hall equipment and improve his health, stay away from drugs”, he stated.


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