Image Credits: Curto News/BingAI

What new AI-created skills do you need for your career in 2024?

Since the beginning of 2023, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly relevant and strategic part of companies and new market trends. What will be the new skills required by professionals in the face of the changes brought about by AI?

Given the intense development of new technologies and the training of new language models to artificial intelligence (IA), companies continue to adapt their internal ecosystems seeking to optimize processes and include new tools in their networks. Furthermore, as companies transform, new skills are needed for tech and AI professionals and those looking to take advantage of this moment.


According to the report Future of Work Report, released by LinkedIn in November 2023, 29% of discussions related to the application of AI in the job market are led by Professional Services areas, followed by 17% in Technology and 9% in Education. Also according to the report, 45% of those responsible for leading this type of debate are part of the Millennial generation, and 26% of Generation Z.

Regardless of the area of ​​activity, the need to keep up to date with market changes is essential for anyone looking for an opportunity in 2024. According to João Duarte, co-founder and chief technology officer of Trybe, skills related to AI today can be compared to skills with the Microsoft Office during the 90s, an extremely necessary skill even for professionals who didn't work in technology.

“Careers in technology, as in other areas, evolve at great speed. Therefore, in our view, the main skills for a good professional in this area are the ability to learn and stay up to date, logical reasoning, problem solving, communication and teamwork.”, comments the executive.


Also according to Duarte, mastery of generative AI tools, model building and knowledge in artificial intelligence, together with a good general foundation, should open up opportunities in 2024 given that many companies are starting AI projects.

However, it is not necessaryariaMind you, only technical skills are necessary to highlight a professional in 2024. Although work with AI generally includes skills such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Structures and other technical skills, it is important to balance with soft skills in search of a more complete profile.

The report Future of Work of LinkedIn also highlights that Technology professionals who have developed one or more of these soft skills – communication, teamwork, problem solving or leadership – in addition to technical skills are promoted more than 13% faster than employees who have only technical skills.


Among the skills – technical and interpersonal – highlighted by the report as demands by the AI ​​market are: Communication, Analytical Skills, Data Structure, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition.

Finally, it is not yet possible to accurately measure the professional profile most desired by the AI ​​and technology market in 2024. However, according to Beatriz Clase, Content Writer at Rocketseat, the ideal is to always maintain continuous specialization in line with market demands.

“A tip for professionals looking for new or better positions in the market is to pay attention to the development of skills that go beyond technique (code), focusing on behavioral skills, personal development, good communication, creativity and proactivity, which can weigh heavily in the decision between you and other professionals competing for the same space or vacancy.”, concludes Beatriz.


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