Latin American universities bet on the metaverse to assist education

For many, the metaverse is nothing more than a momentary fever, which is even at a low point in the technology market. However, universities in Latin America continue to bet big on the potential of virtual and augmented reality tools for education. In Colombia and Mexico, universities brought metaverse activities to guide their communities on issues related to web3, blockchain and more.

The University of Medellín, in Colombia, and the University of Chihuahua, in Mexico, announced actions in virtual worlds. The University of Medellín, for example, held a conference last week between students, professors and others interested in the metaverse through a thematic forum. 


Entitled “Metaverse and Society: a look from law, economics and humanitys”, the forum at the Colombian university discussed topics related to cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology and commerce. 

Carmen Salazar, historian, master in investigative journalism and doctoral candidate in Philosophy said that the university “is assuming a new universe as a natural environment. But we must first understand what is real.”

University of Chihuahua launched HYBR1DA

The Autonomous University of Chihuahua, in turn, launched a project called “HYBR1DA”. The project is a digital creation laboratory with its own metaverse platform. The objective is to encourage culture and artistic expressions through technology. In addition to the digital space, the university also has a physical space for exhibitions.


For the rector of the Mexivana university, Luis Alfonso Rivera Campos, the metaverse is a “noble frontier” that must be crossed. And anyone who doesn't explore this new tool could end up being left behind. He also concluded by saying that “the metaverse tool is a powerful frontier for the creation of new forms of artistic expression, which is why the university has the mission of creating this platform and building bridges between the virtual and the real”.

Some of the actions that can be simplified with the advent of the metaverse are:

  • Attending the same classroom with people who are in different locations, hundreds to thousands of kilometers away from each other.
  • Visit an educational institution in virtual format (reality filming).
  • Go to the admissions office to carry out the procedures in person and in direct contact with area staff, enroll in courses or pay the registration fee.
  • Carry out laboratory experiments.
  • Apply knowledge in simulated environments.
  • Enter the library to consult textual and audiovisual materials.
  • Have casual conversations with other colleagues' avatars.
  • Carry out group activities.

No Newsverse We have already mentioned that a university in Paraná is launching its first course with classes within the metaverse. Check out:


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