Upland wants to 'pierce the bubble' to attract audiences to the metaverse

Despite the popularization of the metaverse in the last two years, many people still do not fully understand the concept behind web3 and the proposal for this new moment in the internet. With the Upland platform, it's no different. Proposing to mirror a cartographic map of the physical world in the metaverse to integrate different virtual environments, the platform has already reached four million users. However, to try to break through the 'crypto bubble' and reach a wider audience, the company is investing in social initiatives.

O Newsverse interviewed Ney Neto, general director of Upland in Latin America. He says that the metaverse is still very niche, which makes it difficult to popularize the proposal.


In audio or text, check out the executive's interview about the partnerships with Unicef ​​and the Mangueira samba school:

Mangueira will have a parade broadcast on the metaverse; understand
Mangueira will have a parade broadcast on the metaverse; understand

At last year's World Cup, Upland entered into a partnership with FIFA to recreate the capital of the competition's winning country in the metaverse.

In December, the city of Buenos Aires was already implemented on the virtual world map. Now, the platform's focus is to attract even more football lovers into the metaverse with the creation of Argentine clubs within Upland:


Upland plans action for women's soccer World Cup

In addition to implementing the Argentine Football Association clubs, Upland intends to work with FIFA again with the women's football World Cup.

The competition starts in July; Until then, Neto comments that several initiatives will be launched to publicize the event. The objective of the action is to attract the female audience to the platform.

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