Users of The Sandbox can create their own spaces in the metaverse even without knowing about codes

One of the most popular metaverses on the internet, The Sandbox, will allow users to build their own spaces within the virtual environment without needing any knowledge of coding or programming. Using the Game Maker platform, developed by The Sandbox, people can access and build objects and terrains they want and even host games.

The user can download and install the Game maker. The platform for building spaces in the virtual environment has several updates, but the next one, 0.8, promeoffer even more interactive experiences to players. 


In Game Maker 0.8, people will be able to build virtual worlds without needing prior knowledge of programming or animation languages. Starting with the update, people will be able to include audio and video streaming in their worlds, as well as change lighting and visual effects. This will allow ordinary users who access The Sandbox to host shows and parties.

Reproduction/The Sandbox

Game Maker's immersive experience focuses primarily on user interactivity and independence. Just as the precursor of The Sandbox, Minecraft, the platform's intention is for people to feel free to create and offer their own games and competitions. 

Currently, the version available on The Sandbox website is 0.7.9, and it is not yet known when 0.8 will be available. However, on social media, the platform said it will soon bring news. At the official statement of the company, the only certainty is that the update will be released in 2023.  


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