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'O Auto da Compadecida' will get part 2

The announcement was made by the protagonists Chicó and João Grilo, or Selton Mello and Matheus Nachtergaele, on Sunday (12). The film is an immersion into the universe created by Ariaat Suassuna. National cinema success! 🎥

“I don’t know, I just know that it was like this…” Anyone who has never heard this phrase is probably not Brazilian. This is the catchphrase of Chicó, one of the characters in the hit 'O Auto da Compadecida', played by Selton Mello. The great success of national cinema will return to the big screen in 2024.


O 'Auto da Compadecida was released more than 20 years ago. The film broke box office records and became a miniseries on the Globo network. A timeless classic, which marked a generation with a light humor in the magical world of Suassuna.

The film will be directed by Guel Arraes and Flávia Lacerda

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