Travelers are willing to use virtual reality to choose destinations, research shows

Have you ever thought about being able to take a test drive of a place you are planning to travel to through virtual reality? Just like when buying a car, people spend hours in doubt about which destination to choose to travel to, after all, the hard-earned money saved over months cannot be spent on a disappointing experience. According to a survey carried out with travelers, 55% of Brazilians will turn to virtual reality when searching for a destination in 2023.

The research, commissioned by the international travel platform seeks to understand the behavior of travelers around the world. Carried out in 32 countries and territories with more than 24 thousand people, the analysis aims to predict how tourists should behave in 2023. 


Brazilians are willing to join the metaverse and virtual reality to help with travel too

Bringing it to Brazil, 81% of travelers say that it will always be worth traveling, but a large part of this segment is willing to connect virtually to educate themselves, be entertained and be inspired for travel. Seduced by the idea of ​​making immersive visits before definitely going to the place, 57% of tourists in Brazil, according to the survey, say they have more chances of traveling to places they would not have considered before experiencing the virtual environment.

Globally, 43% of travelers say they will use technology to be inspired when deciding on a vacation in 2023. Another group of 46% say there is a greater possibility of going to places they visited virtually. 

With virtual reality, travelers would have a spoiler of what to expect at their destination

Apesar de animados com as possibilidades por trás do metaverso e tecnologias imersivas, 50% dos brasileiros consultados pela pesquisa acreditam que apenas as experiências virtuais não são o suficiente para se considerarem satisfeitos com o destino. Com isso, a imersão na realidade virtual não substituiria a viagem, apenas daria um spoiler.  


The survey commissioned by the travel website interviewed 24179 people from all over the world, 1.009 from Brazil. The traveler consultation took place online in August this year and only considered responses from people who plan to travel within the next 12 months.

@curtonews Brazilians are willing to join the metaverse to help with travel. Have you ever thought about this possibility? #newsversobycurto ♬ original sound – Curto News
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