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WHO suspends maximum alert due to the covid-19 pandemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) suspended this Friday (5) the maximum alert level regarding the covid-19 pandemic, which left "at least 20 million" dead worldwide, considering that the disease is sufficiently controlled. .

“With great hope I declare that covid-19 is no longer a health emergency of international reach”, stated the Director-General of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.


He calculates that the pandemic left “at least 20 million” dead, almost three times more than his organization’s official toll.

On May 3, the WHO indicator table showed just under seven million officially registered deaths.

The experts consulted by the director general considered “that it is time to move to long-term management of the covid-19 pandemic”, despite the uncertainties that remain about the evolution of the virus.


The organization's maximum alert level was declared on January 30, 2020, just a few weeks after the detection in China of the first cases of the respiratory viral disease against which there was no specific treatment at the time.

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