Positivity for synviruscicirespiratory disease exceeds Covid-19 in the country, says ITpS

At 18%, the positivity of tests for Sin Viruscicial Respiratory Disease (RSV) surpassed positive tests for covid-19, which is at 15%. At the moment, both viruses are showing an upward trend, according to a survey carried out by the Todos pela Saúde Institute (ITpS).

In the months of December and January, cases of Influenza B were also detected, which reached 4% positivity, a rare record in reports of respiratory pathogens in the country. All for Health Institute .


The analyzes were based on 928 thousand tests carried out by partner laboratories (Dasa, DB Molecular, HLAGyn and Sabin), from February 1, 2022 to February 4, 2023.

The RSV positivity rate fell in mid-January following the outbreak seen at the end of the year, but has since risen again: 16% (7/1), 6% (14/1), 7% (21/1), 15 % (28/11) and 18% (4/2).

Children aged 0 to 4 years are the most infected by the virus. In this age group, in the last four weeks, 87,5% of positive diagnoses indicated RSV.

In relation to SARS-CoV-2, the positivity rate started high at the beginning of the year, fell by more than ten percentage points and in the last week there was a slight increase: 24% (7/1), 17% (14/1) , 14% (21/1), 13% (28/11) and 15% (4/2).

The increase occurs in all age groups and between 50 and 80 years old it is above 20%.

In addition to SARS-CoV-2, RSV and Influenza B, the tests used by laboratories (RT-PCR and Flowchip) detect Influenza A. 

ITpS is monitoring the circulation of respiratory viruses using data from partner laboratories — this is the 18th report.

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