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Taylor Jenkins Reid Releases 'Carrie Soto Is Back'; see other bestsellers by the author

Bestselling author Taylor Jenkins Reid has just released a new book to her bestselling collection. 'Carrie Soto is Back' is available from this Tuesday, August 30th. The novel tells the story of Carrie Soto, a tennis star who returns to the court after retiring with the aim of defending her title as the greatest of all time.

'Carrie Soto is Back' promeaddress topics such as ambition, sexism and the search for success. The book is connected to the author's latest releases. (Today*)


Best-selling author and film productions

Taylor Jenkins Reid has collected bestsellers in his career. 'The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo' (2017), 'Daisy Jones & The Six' (2019) and 'Malibu Renasce' (2021) were super successful and will be adapted in streaming. The first will be released in film format by Netflix, while the second will be a series produced by Reese Witherspoon for Amazon Prime Video. 

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