Search result for: Donald Trump

Democrats surprise and maintain seats in the US Senate; dispute in Georgia will be decided in December

With the exception of the dispute in Pennsylvania, Democratic and Republican senators who were seeking re-election achieved the feat, but it is still not possible to know which party – Republican or Democrat – will control the house. In Georgia, where the elections were very close, there will be a second round on December 6th. Democrats againstariapredictions that pointed to Republicans as big winners. The so-called republican “red wave” – which conqueredaria crucial states for the next election in 2024 – did not form.

Democrats surprise and maintain seats in the US Senate; dispute in Georgia will be decided in December Read more »

Trans millionaire buys the Miss Universe beauty pageant

Anne Jakapong Jakrajutatip, a trans Thai businesswoman, bought the company that organizes the Miss Universe beauty pageant, which once belonged to Donald Trump, for US$20 million. A prominent figure on local television and defender of LGBTQIA+ rights, Anne is the first woman to take over as director of the popular beauty contest.

Trans millionaire buys the Miss Universe beauty pageant Read more »

Lula and Bolsonaro

For Nature magazine, there is only one choice in Brazil’s election – for the country and the world

The scientific magazine Nature published, this Tuesday (25), an editorial entitled “There is only one choice in Brazil’s election – for the country and the world”. In the publication, he stated that Jair Bolsonaro's (PL) record is “eye-popping” and highlighted the attitudes and omissions of the Bolsonaro government, which caused – among many other tragedies and setbacks – environmental devastation and 685 thousand deaths from covid- 19. According to Nature, a possible re-election of Bolsonaro could cause “irreparable damage” to Brazil.

For Nature magazine, there is only one choice in Brazil’s election – for the country and the world Read more »

The far-right social network that is in Kanye West's sights

The social network Parler, which is being purchased by rapper Kanye West, is popular among the American far right and people linked to former American president Donald Trump. The negotiation, which has not yet defined a value, should be concluded in the coming months. Get to know this controversial platform a little more.

The far-right social network that is in Kanye West's sights Read more »

Rapper Kanye West announces purchase of social network Parler

Controversial American rapper Kanye West, who has already been censored on Twitter for statements considered anti-Semitic and is a known supporter of former United States President Donald Trump, could be the new owner of the social network Parler. The news was released today (17) by Parlement Technologies, the company that owns the platform. The value of the transaction, which should be completed later this year, was not disclosed.

Rapper Kanye West announces purchase of social network Parler Read more »

MPF of Pará charges Damares Alves for allegations without proof; Former minister goes viral with conspiracy theory from American group QAnon

The Federal Public Ministry (MPF) sent a letter this Monday (10) to Secretaria Executive from the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights (MMFDH) requesting information about alleged crimes against children that the former head of the ministry Damares Alves announced she had discovered during a visit to the Marajó archipelago (PA). In a video circulating on the internet, the senator elected by the Federal District Republicans defends a conspiracy theory spread by the far-right North American group QAnon, which claims to be waging a secret war against “Satan-worshipping pedophiles”.

MPF of Pará charges Damares Alves for allegations without proof; Former minister goes viral with conspiracy theory from American group QAnon Read more »

Elon Musk and Twitter: what are the next chapters of the negotiation?

Elon Musk opened a new chapter in the novelistic Twitter purchase operation last Monday (3). The billionaire proposed going ahead with the purchase of the social network – which he had already given up months after an agreement with Twitter's management. And now, what are the next steps in this negotiation?

Elon Musk and Twitter: what are the next chapters of the negotiation? Read more »

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