Search result for: finances

Fiscal deficit and surplus: what are they and how do government finances work?

The two terms frequently appear in the news, but not everyone knows their meanings. Knowing what deficit and surplus values ​​represent is useful for understanding how a country's accounting is doing. How is the government managing its resources? Are the goals being achieved or is the debt growing? O Curto News helps answer these and other questions.

Fiscal deficit and surplus: what are they and how do government finances work? Read more »

Watson: Learn more about IBM's AI data analyst

Watson is an AI platform developed by IBM known for its ability to train, validate, tune, and deploy generative AI models. With WatsonX, companies can manage all of their business data to scale data analytics and AI, as well as govern and monitor their models. The platform is designed to be open, targeted to specific enterprise domains, reliable, and empower users to become AI value creators. It offers components such as, and watsonx.governance, as well as AI assistants such as watsonx Assistant, which allows you to create and deploy virtual agents without the need for coding.

Watson: Learn more about IBM's AI data analyst Read more »

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