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OPINION: Artificial intelligence, between good and evil

Our history is intertwined with the emergence of new technologies. From the discovery of fire to the internet, many people are afraid of every step forward we take in the face of the unknown, until they understand the best way to use this new tool. The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) could be the great innovation of our era, just as electricity was in other times, changing our habits, work, relationships and companies.

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AI and the environment

As the AI ​​industry grows, what impact will it have on the environment?

Artificial intelligence (AI) programs can seem disembodied. But they are powered by networks of servers in data centers around the world, which require large amounts of energy and large volumes of water. Because AI programs are so complex, they require more energy than other forms of computing. But the problem is: it's incredibly difficult to define exactly how much.

As the AI ​​industry grows, what impact will it have on the environment? Read more »

healthy food

5 tips for living more sustainably

The planet is under threat and one of the factors that contributes to this is the pressure generated by consumer habits. According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), lifestyle choices affect human well-being, environmental health and the economy. According to the agency, the excessive use of plastic products, the consumption of fast fashion and food and transportation choices could deepen the climate crisis.

5 tips for living more sustainably Read more »

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