Funai president Marcelo Xavier smiling in front of a microphone

Funai: change of directors after ideological sieve

An exclusive report from Agência Pública released this Thursday (28), an Excel spreadsheet in which Funai directors were stamped as "for" and "against" the government. The document, which exposes the management of the body's current president, Marcelo Xavier, was created by his nominee to take care of "appointments and dismissals".

At least eight Regional Coordinators of Funai (National Indian Foundation) were fired after being classified as “against the government” in a spreadsheet produced by Adriana Ariadne Albuquerque Marques, then coordinator of the Office of the Administration and Management Directorate. The fact was revealed by the Public Agency this morning (28).


The report also mentions that the former server had called the journalist Dom Phillips and indigenous man Bruno Pereira of “Débi and Loid” on their social networks shortly after the announcement of their disappearance in Vale do Javari. Dom and Bruno were murdered in June, during an expedition in the Amazon region.

In July 2019, two months before the creation of the spreadsheet, delegate Marcelo Xavier assumed the presidency of the Federal Police and appointed Adriana as responsible for “appointments and dismissals”. Since the beginning of his administration, Xavier has been criticized for relegating indigenous interests. In 2017, he did part of the consultancy of ruralist parliamentarians e acted against Funai at the CPI that investigated Incra.

Last month, a dossier produced by the Institute of Socioeconomic Studies (Inesc) together with Indigenistas Associados (Ina) concluded that the management of the current president of Funai caused the organization to become an “Anti-Indigenist Foundation”.


There was wide replacement of professionals by people without EXPERIENCE in indigenous politics. Today, of Funai's 39 Regional Coordinations, only two have civil servants as head officers, 17 military police officers have already been appointed, in addition to two federal police officers.

On the last day 21, the president of the PF withdrew from an event in Madrid, Spain, after going through the embarrassment of being booed and called a “militiaman” and a “thug” by Ricardo Rao, former Funai employee. Rao and other critics of the delegate's performance believe he was also responsible for the deaths of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira.

(Top photo: Valter Campanato/Agência Brasil)

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