Image credits: AFP

4 tips to be sustainable and shine brightly this carnival

The most anticipated time of year for many has finally arrived! 🎉 Carnival is synonymous with fun, music, dancing and lots of sparkle, however, along with this explosion of joy also comes a huge production of waste which, despite collection efforts, ends up in the environment. O Curto separated 4 tips so that no one leaves sustainability aside during the festivities! 🎊

O carnival takes thousands of people to the streets every year. Between drinks, food, decorations and costumes, tons and tons of trash are dumped into the environment throughout the days of revelry.


Just to give you an idea, in 2022, during the 5 days of the famous carnival In Rio de Janeiro, 213 tons of waste were collected at the Marquês de Sapucaí Sambadrome alone, by the Municipal Urban Cleaning Company (Comlurb).😱

So why not enjoy it with less waste, plastic and waste? Check out the tips ⤵️

1. Upcycling costumes

Please note that 'upcycling' It basically consists of giving a new purpose to materials that would otherwise be discarded. All this with creativity and quality equal to or even better than that of the original product.


So, instead of going out and buying new clothes and accessories to skip another carnival, try the 'upcycling' and reinvent your fantasies!

2. Biodegradable glitter

Carnival PULL glitter Seems impossible, right? But did you know that, as it is usually made of plastic microparticles, it ends up polluting – a lot – our rivers and oceans?

But don’t worry, it’s possible to shine sustainably! 😍 Just invest in ecological glitter – made from biodegradable materials that decompose in the environment.


3. Be careful with decorations

Just like glitter, confetti can also be biodegradable. Just reuse that old newspaper or magazine to produce your own colorful, planet-friendly material. Also avoid taking items such as helium balloons e streamers metallized. These materials can end up in the ocean and harm the biodiversity navy. 🐢

4. Ecological kit always on hand

To complete your preparations, don't forget to pack your ecological kit for the day of the parades and blocks: your eco cup, straw e a bag to collect your own trash. Our planet thanks you! 🌎

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