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Despite restrictions, the world is creating more single-use plastic waste than ever, says report

The world is producing a record amount of single-use plastic waste — particularly that made from polymers created from fossil fuels — despite global efforts to reduce plastic pollution and carbon emissions. This is what a new report released this Monday (6) found.

According to Plastic Waste Makers Index (Index of Plastic Waste Manufacturers 🇬🇧), the world generated 139 million metric tons of single-use plastic waste in 2021, 6 million tons more than in 2019, when the first index was launched.


The report points out that the additional plastic waste created in these two years is equivalent to almost 1 kg more for every person on the planet and was driven by demand for flexible packaging such as sachets.

The document also states that the Recycling is not increasing fast enough to handle the amount of plastic produced, meaning used products are much more likely to be dumped in landfills, beaches, rivers and oceans than sent for recycling. 😖

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