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Bicycles for the planet

If everyone adopted cycling as a means of transport, the world could reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by almost 700 million tons per year - the equivalent of Canada's annual emissions.

That's what one says study published in the journal Communications Earth and Environment*, on the 18th.


The transport sector – and especially cars – is responsible for 1/4 of the world's current greenhouse gas emissions. global warming, and global demand for transport is expected to triple by mid-century. 

In some countries, cycling is generally related to leisure activities and not as a means of transport. 

But if everyone cycled an average of 1,6 mile a day, the world would reduce CO2 emissions by around 414 million tonnes a year – the equivalent of the UK's annual emissions – the researchers calculate. 


For Gang Liu – lead author of the study and professor in the department of green technologies at the University of Southern Denmark – the main objective of the research is to show that cycling has an important role to play in reducing the carbon footprint of transport, at a time where the debate tends to focus on electric cars.

(With AFP)

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