'Earth Letter' talks about the devastation caused by climate change

In Earth Letter, published this week by Earth News, Lourival Sant'Anna talks about Cyclone Freddy - one of the biggest storms in history - faced by Malawi, one of the smallest countries in the world, and how it summarizes all aspects of climate change . 🌎

The publication highlights how the contribution of Malawi to global warming is despicable. However, the price the country pays is brutal. For this reason, developed countries – which have polluted the most since the Industrial Revolution – need to meet their commitments to finance conservation and mitigation initiatives in poor countries.


A Paper remember, also, that next Tuesday, March 21st, we celebrate the International Day of Forests and that we must mobilize efforts to conserve our forests and to adopt a more responsible attitude towards the risks that climate change already imposes on all of us.

 Other highlights of the week:

  • The area burned in the Yanomami Indigenous Land decreased by 62% in January and February, compared to the first two months of last year.
  • BNDES blocked R$25 million in financing for 58 rural landowners involved in irregular deforestation. 
  • The financial return of sustainable companies is on average 615% higher than the São Paulo Stock Exchange index. The conclusion is from the Melhores para o Brasil 2023 study, carried out by the evaluation company Humanizados, specialized in ESG.

Don't forget to read the Earth Charter Full!

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