'Letter from Earth' talks about how artificial intelligence can help with forest monitoring

In Carta da Terra, published this week by Earth News, Lourival Sant'Anna talks about her conversation with Diogo Machado, Market Director at Quiron, a Brazilian forest monitoring technology company. In the chat, Diogo explains that Quiron uses artificial intelligence to interpret satellite images and thus warn its customers of the risk of fires, among other services.

The Director of Chiron he also comments that the company also works with forest monitoring to help prospect areas that can be converted into carbon credit.


⚠️ The conversation with Diogo will air in three parts: on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, on the channel Earth News Earth on YouTube and podcast apps. Do not miss it!

 Other highlights of the week:

  • President Lula reiterated his commitment to ending deforestation in the Amazon, in a meeting with Joe Biden at the White House.
  • Minister Marina Silva met, at the headquarters of the NGO Environmental Defense Fund, in Washington, with around 30 representatives from private donors and governments, on an agenda parallel to Lula's visit.
  • Emirates airline carried out a demonstration flight using 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in one of the turbines.

Don't forget to read the Earth Charter Full!

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