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Curto Green: for you to stay up to date with the main news about the environment

The period 2023-2027 will most likely be the hottest ever recorded in history, due to the impact of greenhouse gases and the meteorological phenomenon El Niño, which are causing an increase in temperatures, warned the UN this past Wednesday (17) . This and other themes were highlights of the environmental agenda of the Curto News this week. Check out our 'Curto Green'! 🌱


➡️ In his speech at the Forum of Major Economies on Energy and Climate, in April this year, President Lula announced the resumption of the commitment to reforest 12 million hectares of native vegetation in the country, assumed under the Paris Agreement in 2015, but never actually implemented. Experts claim that, if the area foreseen in the Brazilian commitment were actively reforested, 8 billion trees would be needed. 🌳



➡️ Scientists are using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to identify the different sounds made by beings that live underwater, creating a true “sound map” of the seabed. The initiative is from a group called “International Quiet Ocean Experiment, IQOE”. Turn up the volume! 🔊

➡️ It is possible to reduce plastic pollution by 80% by 2040, as long as countries and companies make profound changes in policies and the market. This is what the new UNEP report “Shutting off the tap: how the world can end plastic pollution and create a circular economy” points out, launched this Tuesday (16). The document calls for 3 changes in the market: reuse, recycle and reorient and diversify products. 🚮

➡️ World Recycling Day is celebrated on May 17th. The date was established by UNESCO and seeks to encourage reflection on the importance of correctly disposing of the items we consume. According to a survey by the World Wide Fund for Nature, Brazil is the fourth largest producer of garbage in the world and, even so, recycling here is still very low. Thinking about that, o Curto separated social media profiles that give tips on this practice that is so important for our planet. ♻️


➡️ The European Council approved this Tuesday (16) a new law to bar, in the European Union (EU), the consumption and trade of commodities and other products that have caused deforestation and human rights abuses.. The regulation establishes new rules for the sale, in the region, of palm oil, cattle, wood, coffee, cocoa, rubber and soy, as well as derivative products such as chocolate, furniture and printed paper. 🍫

➡️ More than half of the world's largest lakes and reservoirs are drying up, putting humanity's water future at risk, states a study published this Thursday (18), which points to unsustainable consumption and climate change as the main culprits. 💧

➡️ Big Apple is sinking! New research has revealed that the extraordinary weight of New York's buildings may be contributing to the phenomenon, worsening the threat of flooding from rising sea levels. 😱


➡️ Ibama denied a license for Petrobras to drill an oil well on the coast of Amapá. Petrobras was just waiting for this authorization to start test drilling in the FZA-M-59 block, in the Foz do Amazonas basin. understand why. 🛢️

➡️ The United States, United Kingdom, Denmark and other countries signed a document calling for more action and vigilance over the increasingly common practice of illegally transporting oil at sea, as fears grow about the pollution caused by the practice. 🚢

 Worth watching:


Deforestation in the Amazon may be falling, but the Cerrado loses more vegetation every month. 😔

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