Image credits: AFP

UAE state oil company had access to COP28 emails, reveals The Guardian

The UAE's state oil company was able to read emails sent to the UN climate summit office (COP28) and was consulted on how to respond to the media, revealed the British newspaper The Guardian. The United Arab Emirates hosts COP28 in November and its president is Sultan Al Jaber, who is also chief executive of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc). The revelations were called “explosive” and a “scandal” by lawmakers.

The office COP28 claimed that its email system was “autonomous” and “separate” from the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (Adnoc). But expert technical analysis showed that the office shared email servers with the organization. Following the Guardian's investigations, the COP28 office moved to a different server on Monday (5).


The French MEP Manon Aubry told the British newspaper (*): “This is an absolute scandal. An oil and gas company has found its way into the core of the organization tasked with coordinating the phase-out of oil and gas. It’s like having a multinational tobacco company overseeing the internal work of the World Health Organization.”

Aubry, who co-led a recent letter to the UN from 133 US and European Union politicians (🇬🇧) asking for the removal of Al Jaber, stated: “The COP28 office has lost all credibility. If we care more about preventing climate disaster than protecting the profits and influence of fossil fuel companies, we need to react now.”

Pascoe Sabido. Corporate Europe Observatory and co-coordinator of the coalition Kick Big Polluters Out, made up of more than 450 organizations, said the revelations were outrageous and that Al Jaber's appointment was “a major blow to the credibility” of the UN climate body.


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