Oil extraction
Image credits: Unsplash

Fossil fuel extraction occurs in almost 3 conservation regions, analysis shows

According to the Leave it in the Ground initiative, globally, fossil fuel exploration activities affect areas that should have nature preserved. Burning coal, oil and gas would generate 47 billion tonnes of climate-warming carbon dioxide (CO2) - if fully exploited - four times the annual emissions of China, the world's biggest polluter.

Locations included in the survey are oil and gas operations, coal mines, fossil fuels in development and those with exploration licenses.


“Each of these sites is a sign of hypocrisy, saying on the one hand that this area deserves protection and on the other hand bringing fossil fuel extraction to these same areas,” said Alice McGown, a geographic information specialist at the initiative Leave it in the Ground (Lingo🇬🇧), to the British newspaper The Guardian(*)

A analysis (🇬🇧) also evaluated potential CO emissions2 of the activities of fossil fuels in protected areas for each country, with China, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia making up the top three and the UK, Australia, USA and Canada making up the top 12.

Affected areas include marine protection sites in the UK, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in the US, Canada's Rocky Mountain parks and Coongie Lakes in southern Australia. The Xilin Gol natural steppe protected area in China and the Jubail marine wildlife sanctuary in Saudi Arabia also contain wildlife activities. fossil fuels.


Most major oil and gas companies profit from extracting in protected areas, researchers said. 

To arrive at these results, the researchers crossed protected area maps recognized by the UN environmental program and the International Union for Conservation of Nature with information on places of fossil fuels from the industry standard data provider Shaken.

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(🇬🇧): content in English

(*): Content in other languages ​​translated by Google Tradutor

(🚥): may require registration and/or subscription 

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